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Go! Alden, thanks all for reading my blog Photo     Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
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I wish that i will grow up to be a Fine and Handsome Young Chap.

Anpanman Likes

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I like sleeping, eating my porridge, playing with my parents and watching TV. Loves shopping during the weekends too.

Make some noise

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My Name Is Alden Mui Xuan Wei

Anpan's Friends

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Tofu Channel


Special thanks to my mummy who updates and maintains this blog for me.


March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010

My Ma Ma is one stron woman. Look at her proudly carrying both and sister and Janelle sister. Both weigh about the same but my Ma Ma can carry them as if they are her weights.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 11:10 PM

My Grandparents with me and Jayden gor gor. We were both playing with our trains. Now we are both crazy bout this "Thomas the train" and not so much into Barney now. I am a big boy already haha..See how happy my Ye Ye is when both our daddies treat him to eat.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 11:08 PM

My mummy and my sister and I in a chinese resturant in Jurong Point to celebrate my Ye Ye's birthday. We were there with my Ma Ma, Aunt Vivian, Uncle Davin, Jayden gor gor and my daddy as well.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 11:04 PM

We went to the baby fair in expo and got quite a few cheap bargains. Meantime daddy decided to take some pictures with me cos we wore the same colour "Purple" haha...People wear couple tees, we as father and son wear couple colour.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 11:02 PM

When my Ma Ma and Ye Ye saw my sister in this attire, they say she really look like a boy here. Mummy should let sister wear more dresses lah.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 11:01 PM

Ok, my sister may look all sweet and innocent here, but please do not be fooled. She is the exact opposite and i am not saying this just because i am jealous.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:59 PM

Finally i had a chance to take some pictures with mummy. Most times she will give more attention to my sister. Mummy says i am as cute as the toy boy and so grabbed me to take this photo, as well as with the Alice in wonderful movie poster.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:56 PM

My sister and mummy out shopping. They can shop for hours. My mummy will not be tired nor have tired feet. My sister can even miss her afternoon naps just to shop too. So poor daddy and i had to tag along.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:52 PM

Saturday, March 20, 2010

My sister now 8 months old. Everyone has been saying she looks like a female version of myself.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 11:25 PM

Monday, March 15, 2010

My mummy in the museum, she went to visit the mummies with my daddy. Mummy says in this lifetime, she must visit Egypt once.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:59 PM

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My mummy and her new office. Notice the flowers in one corner, it is from daddy. It acts as a surprise to mummy when it arrived in her office. It's to cheer mummy up daddy knows mummy was feeling stressed by work and us being sick. Mummy loves the flowers and the words daddy thought of for mummy in the card.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 11:03 PM

My sister is looking sweet here. Sadly i do not think the same for her hair. It just does not seem to be growing.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 11:00 PM

My mummy self praises that she is the best daughter and wife here..Someone please shake and wake her up.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:54 PM

My sister all dressed and dolled up to go shopping again. Psst, she loves shopping as much as my mummy, something that my daddy is not so pleased about.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:42 PM

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