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I wish that i will grow up to be a Fine and Handsome Young Chap.

Anpanman Likes

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I like sleeping, eating my porridge, playing with my parents and watching TV. Loves shopping during the weekends too.

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My Name Is Alden Mui Xuan Wei

Anpan's Friends

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Special thanks to my mummy who updates and maintains this blog for me.


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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

This is my mummy's childhood best friend. Childhood as in primary school. They were so closed like sisters back then. Aunt Stella lives near my Grandma's block last time, and both she and my mummy always go to school and go home together. They shared alot of secrets and lovely memories came flooding back when they met up. Aunt Stella came to visit mummy and my sister. Too bad i was not around or i can find out more about my mummy from her. They even went to the same secondary school. Mummy misses those days and she feels she has really aged alot. Hmm, hopefully i can get to see Aunt Stella in my sister's full month party then.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 6:50 PM

Though mummy is still doing her confinement, she still manages to buy me my first paint set from online. Once i got home, she springs me this surprise and i wasted no time to start my first art lesson with daddy. Mummy hopes i will be as arty farty as her lah ha ha..But as it is my first time, i was nothing but a real mess.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 6:47 PM

My mummy did this scrapebook page for the gynae who delivered me. She made this for Dr Wong's clinic, so that our photos can join the rest of the ones in his clinic. Mummy also bought Dr Wong a gift of a tie and cufflinks set to thank him for a good job, and letting her have a sane and stressfree pregnancy.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 6:40 PM

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Two latest pictures of my sister. One shows her trying to pout or learn how to kiss, while the other one shows a very blurry look of hers when she was just awake. But most importantly, both shows her with her eyes opened. It is hard to see her with her eyes opened as she is asleep most of the time. She only opens her eyes for a few minutes each time she is awake. Mummy says she must enjoy this period of time before sister becomes more alert and does not sleep as much and requires much more attention.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:42 AM

This is my mummy's pumped out milk's supply of 2days. It is not i am lamenting, but sister is much luckier than me. Last time, mummy did not have enough for me as she did not pump nor feed me when i was in hospital for jaundice and the milk flow lapsed. This time, mummy is much smarter and hard working. She pumps out regularly though sister was in hospital, and it works. Mummy now has lots of milk for sister. She even jokes with me and tells me she will make milk ice cream for me, gross man.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:38 AM

Look at what a good brother i am, and i think i can be a role model for all the other brothers out there to learn from(Thick skinned). Just as mummy was feeding my sister, i gently patted my sister's head and stroke her face to let her know i love her. I am keeping my toys for her when she grows up, mummy always tells me to sayang my sister so it is now a habit already whenever i get to see sister Alexa.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:32 AM

Monday, July 13, 2009

Here's a latest picture of my sister just before she was warded for her jaundice. She was soundly asleep without a care in the world, and my mummy thought she looked so peaceful and cute and snapped this picture. My mummy hopes and prays that this time my sister will grow to look like her, unlike me cos i look like a replica of my daddy.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 4:38 PM

Sister Alexa in the ward having her jaundice treatment. Mummy was so heart ache to see her in there, it also reminded her of those times when i was in the same ward for the same treatment last time too. Mummy cried when she saw me wriggling in the box last time, and she cried again seeing sister in there. Sister Alexa cried non stop too, cos i know how uncomfortable she must have been feeling, naked and in a funny position, and with all the other crying babies. Hope sister can be out in 3 days time, i know my mummy misses her alot.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 4:34 PM

My mummy brought sister Alexa back to TMC for a check up, and discovered she has a high jaundice level, even higher than me too. Hence she needed to be admitted for the treatment. This photo was taken before my sister was admitted.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 4:32 PM

My sister just when she was cleaned up already and being wheeled in to see mummy in her ward. This is one of the rare times when she opens her eyes. They may look small now, but everyone says she will have bigger eyes then me based on the long lines they see on her face. Sigh, so sister will have a nicer nose and bigger eyes than me..

Go! Anpanman! ~* 4:29 PM

Sunday, July 12, 2009

My mummy happily taking photos hours before her delivery. Once the actual contraction pain kicks in, she can no longer smile and pose like this. Instead she was praying so hard for the pain to go and for my sister to come out soon, and not forgetting my poor daddy's arms, they were squeezed the life out of them ha ha..

Go! Anpanman! ~* 12:19 PM

My proud mummy and my sister posing for their first pictures together immediately after my mummy delivered her. After the all that pain, this moment is worth waiting for. In fact mummy delvered my sister at 12 hours compared to my 18 hours hours of wait and pain last time. And this time, it was though just as painful, my mummy still had it easier, again without epidural and assisted delivery. I was vacuumed out last time. Three cheers for mummy, the heroine in our lives.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 12:13 PM

Little Alexa seconds after she was born into this world. She needs the oxygen tank to help her breathe her first dose of fresh air. And the nurses will have to clean her up before returning her to my mummy. Heard sister Alexa did not scream and cry as badly as me when i was born. But hey, please do not forget that i am a boy and i am supposed to have more strength.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 12:08 PM

This is the weight of my sister when she was born. Although she is a girl, she is still slightly heavier than me, by a hundred gram to be exact. But we were both delivered at 37 weeks, and we share though not the same birthday month, we share the same date which is the 8th.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 12:05 PM

This is my very cute little sister after her clean up. So, now my family has a new little addition, but my parents promised me they will still love me all the same, and i have to learn to love and sayang my sister the way they do to me. Ok, for a start, i will teach my sister how to blog when she is slightly older and can speak and write and understand the world of blogging hee hee..

Go! Anpanman! ~* 11:57 AM

This is where my mummy stayed after her delivery. This room comes equipped with a computer and a tv, and also a mini drinks area. Very nice room, but quite costly though. It cost more than $500 per night, but daddy insists mummy takes this room so he can look after her and stay over with her for the 2 nights.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 11:46 AM

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Here is how much i love my mummy, and the proof is in this short video clip. I am seen kissing her to comfort her for not winning in the great singapore sale lucky jackpot spin to win a car. So, i promptly kissed her on cue and she is happy once again. Only me can make her all smiles again hee..

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:21 PM

I am kissing mummy here to console her. It seems both my parents went to suntec city early in the morning to queue for the great singapore sale lucky draw which my dad was selected for. There were over eight hundred people and my parents had to queue for about an hour or so for their lucky spin. Sadly my daddy was booted out of the first round and our hopes to win a car were dashed. I has to console poor mummy as she was feeling really sore about losing.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:16 PM

Rare pictures of me and my daddy. Seems both of us not only look the same, we have the same character too. We both dislike taking photos, so it is good we managed to capture this photo where both of us looked happy. Indeed, cos we had a great start for a saturday having our breakfast in suntec city.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:13 PM

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