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I wish that i will grow up to be a Fine and Handsome Young Chap.

Anpanman Likes

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I like sleeping, eating my porridge, playing with my parents and watching TV. Loves shopping during the weekends too.

Make some noise

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My Name Is Alden Mui Xuan Wei

Anpan's Friends

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Special thanks to my mummy who updates and maintains this blog for me.


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May 2010
Monday, June 29, 2009

Do i look smart and handsome here in my daddy's army beret? Even my parents have to listen to me once i have this on ha..Yes Sir..

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:10 PM

Now i am learning to cycle too. And what better way but to use my neighbour's bike first as trial before i get my own bicycle. But as i have just started, i only dare to pose and not do much yet hee..

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:05 PM

See these lovely flowers? They were for my mummy from my daddy as a surprise for their anniversary. I really pray they will remain this loving always, then my little sister and me will be very happy kids.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:01 PM

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Two pictures of a very happy me. One with Grandma carrying me and making me laugh, the other with Grandaunt playing computer games with me. I love playing with Grandaunt, she has so many nice games in her computer.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 7:34 PM

Last Sunday, i stayed over at my Grandaunt's place for 5days as my Ma Ma and Ye Ye went back to Malaysia to visit their relatives and for holiday. My Grandma took a few days of leave to accompany me as well as help my heavily pregnant mummy, while my Grandaunt was free too as it was the school's holidays and there was no teaching. In this two videos, i am seen with Grandaunt playing computer games with me, and Grandma teaching me to paint. Of course i enjoyed my two new found hobbies.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 7:20 PM

Look at the way i sat with my legs crossed up, and my face looking crossed too. Reason? Cos my mummy refused to on Barney for me to watch despite my numerous pleas. So i had to show her my displeasure.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 7:18 PM

This was one of my daytime activity while staying in my Grandaunt's house. My mummy bought me this little ultra man figurine which comes with real water colours for me to learn how to paint. My Grandma is seen here teaching me. Also shown is my very first piece of art work. My mummy then presented it to daddy saying its my belated Father's day gift to him ha ha.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 7:07 PM

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Little mozart at work again. I was in my Grandma's music school and i just cannot take my hands off the pianos. My mummy was so amused that i can play a tune or two, and she is adamant she will send me for courses next time in my Grandma's music school. Watch the videos, first with my daddy helping me, and the other is me playing on my own.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:50 AM

Well, we were at east coast park to this seafood resturant to celebrate Father's day with my Ye Ye, Ma Ma, my parents, Jayden gor gor and his parents Uncle Davin and Aunt Vivian. We proceeded to the beach and mummy took this picture with me. I chose to ignore her as seen here as i am more fasinated with the beach.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:47 AM

See my daddy taking pains to coach me how to drive. He does this when i am at this tender young age so i am sure to pass next time ha ha..But i enjoy doing this, feels like an adult.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:43 AM

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A family group photo of us. Last Sunday, we all hopped excited into daddy's car to the zoo. It was my first time and Jayden gor gor's second. All thanks to Aunt Vivian for inviting us to join them in this fun trip. It was organised by her company SIM, and we gotta go in subsidised rates and with provided lunch as well. It was indeed an eye opener for me as i got to see so many animals, and also i got Jayden gor gor to accompany me. Mummy says she hopes to have more such field trips organised for us, and she plans to have a picnic by the beach soon too. Once again, a big thank you to Aunt Vivian for making my day.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:27 AM

My daddy gave me a helping hand to hook up some rubber ducks swimming in the waters. It was some free game that SIM organised, and hooking up of 5 ducks entitles you to a free gift. And with my daddy's help, i got a free yoyo that lights up each time you spin it. My daddy, Aunt Vivian and Uncle Davin tried their hands in other games too and all emerged with a free gift except my mummy. She failed to win anything. What a loser..

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:21 AM

How should i describe these two family pictures? Happy mummy, checked. Contented daddy, checked. Restless and bored Alden being forced to take pictures again, checked, checked, checked.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:12 AM

Aunt Vivian and mummy posing with two handsome men. Mummy acting silly and cute again and asking Aunt Vivian to join in her act. By the way, both ladies are pregnant as you can see, and both me and Jayden gor gor's sisters will be born in the same year too, just like us.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:09 AM

Can someone help my mummy please? She is so terrified the giantic cockroach will drop on her head and is screaming for help. Hee, fret not guys. It is just my silly mummy, she just loves posing and acting cute at times, that cockroach is though huge but fake of course or she would have ran for her dear life and not posing for photos.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:03 AM

During lunch, my parents savour their finger licking good KFC chicken, while Jayden gor gor and i played together. We each have a balloon and we were throwing at each other. Mummy gave me some chicken bits too, and now i know KFC is so delicious.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:00 AM

This is a special breed of pigeon according to the volunteer docent that showed us around. And also a special breed of monkey too. When we were there, it happens to be the monkey's meal time. His food consists of eggs and lots of fruits. So now i know the monkey loves the kind of food i love too.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 8:53 AM

Here is a close up view of a goat, and also a herd of goats fighting in the back. My mummy is born in the goat's year, she told me that those born in this year are mild in temper, innocent and kind. I wonder if i see these virtues in her ha ha..I wished i was not born in the year of the pig then as we are known to be lazy and greedy, both virtues i definately have.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 8:47 AM

This is a little pony and an adult horse in the zoo's stable. I was eager to go for the horses rides, but sadly i was deem too young for it. Besides, both pregnant ladies mummy and Aunt Vivian could not stand the stench in the stable. The smell nearly made them puke. In fact, mummy held her breath when she took these pictures.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 8:42 AM

Me and daddy sitting in the tram. We were all too tired to walk through the entire zoo, and we did it the smarter way, by taking the tram. We just alight at stops we want, and to hop back up anytime, it was unlimited rides. Looking at my washed out stoney face, i was feeling tired the minute we got up the tram. Poor mummy was even more tired carrying a big tummy with her wherever we went.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 8:34 AM

This is how i look when my day ended, satisfied after having a good day. By the way, i have a cheeky smile here cos my parents completed my day by buying our favourite Ben & Jerry's chocolate euphoria milkshake. Great zoo trip, super shiok milkshake plus going to see Grandma after that makes me smile broadly hee..

Go! Anpanman! ~* 8:30 AM

Monday, June 8, 2009

Sunday 7-June-09 is a very special day for me. It is the day i will be announced and Baptised as Catholic. It is the day that i will be given new life. My Baptism was held in "St Theresa's Church" as shown on this picture. It is a very beautiful church that my mummy and Grandaunt have been attending. I have waited for this day for long, but mummy delays it from birth as she wants me to fully understand what i had gone through and that i am a Catholic. The person whom conducted my Baptism is none other than Father Romeo who is the parish priest of course. Somehow, i was in a very good mood on this special day, i was so smiley and happy the entire day. Mass starts at 4.30pm, and by 5.15pm, i am a official catholic. Now, i must start to practice and to learn how to say "Amen".

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:50 AM

My family group photos taken after my baptism. Apart from the day i was born and on my first birthday, this is the third occasion i felt so important, and that everyone is showering all their attention on me. Again, i feel so blessed. By the way, i got my Godparents a little gift. It is a big decorative cross that looks like real stone to be placed in their garden blessing their home and filling it with God's graces and love. Hope they like it.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:45 AM

Here i am being baptised with the help of my parents and my Godma. As i am more grown up now, in fact being the oldest of the 5 children to be baptised, i was made to be baptised with the pouring of the holy water over my hands instead of my head. Water is used as it symbolises new life. Water is poured over my hands 3 times, and the father says "I baptise you in the name of the father, and of the son, and of the holy spirit". After this sacrament of Baptism, i am now a proud Catholic.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:40 AM

Father anointing me on my chest with the oil of catechumens. This oil is a sign of strength and healing. People need strength to fight for what is right. Then my Godma is seen making a sign of the cross on my forehead.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:33 AM

My small Grandaunt who is now also my Godma helping me to put on this little white cloth from the church. This is not a baby bib, it is a blessed little cloth that i can keep for memories. I was quite naughty in church, but luckily i knew when was the exact moments to behave throughout my baptism. Now mummy says she will baptise my sister when she is less than 1 year old or maybe when she is just a few months old so she cannot run around nor misbehave like i did.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:23 AM

My parents with me in church. My mummy is holding the candle for my baptism, and this candle is for her to keep and be lighted up in special occasions. Both my mummy and myself are also thankful to my daddy who is not a Catholic, but he agrees to me being baptised as one. He also agrees to bring us to church every sunday from now on. But the one person i will want to thank most is God, he made all things possible.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:06 AM

Me and my Grandma, Grandaunt and my newly minted God-parents. I am so happy to have been baptised with the other 5 lucky babies. It is a day that i was looking forward to, and mummy wanted me to baptise when i am at his age and not very much younger as she wants me to understand my religion better. Now i am a proud Catholic..Will be attending sunday masses with my parents already.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:50 AM

My gifts from my Baptism. Mummy gave me a blessed cross to be put in my room, and my God-parents gave me this white gold cross pendant. My Grandma gave me a big fat red packet, while my Grandaunt was the one who bought me the lovely white shirt i was wearing. Now, i can tell everyone that i am a official Catholic.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:38 AM

Last Saturday on the 6-June-09, my parents brought me to my first ever concert, "The little big club", also featuring my favourite Barney and friends. These are the tickets for the show, we attended the 5pm concert. Before that, mummy keep telling me she has a surprise for me soon, but little did i know that it would be such a wonderful surprise. It was a dream come true for me, to be able to see Barney live on stage. The only regret i had was not to be able to snap any photos of him with me. Mummy said the money was well spent as i was so happy, jumping up and down when they sing songs i know. I am now looking forward to my next concert.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:31 AM

These are some pictures of the concert show. When Bob the builder and Barney came on stage, mummy took alot of photos. But unfortunately, most were not very clear as we were too far from the satge, and it was too dark. The other picture shows all the characters of "The little Big Club", and it features lots of characters including Pingu the penguin and Angelina the Ballerina. All of them performed about 3 songs on average, but Barney was the one that really got me off my feet. Only he can make me sit upright and jump.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:23 AM

My dear mummy and myself waiting impatiently for the concert to start. Actually, i really must thank my mum for making this little dream of mine of seeing Barney live on stage. My daddy did not want to spend on this concert initially cos he felt i was still too young to understand or enjoy the concert. But my mummy managed to persuade him, and she went to purchase the tickets herself before my daddy can stop her ha ha..Mummy promises to bring me to movies soon too.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:04 AM

These are pictures taken with my daddy in the concert before the show starts. But one of them shows me screaming when Barney hops onto the stage with his friends. Finally i get to see them live rather then on tv. Like a true blue big fan of Barney, mummy got me two neon sticks in yellow and pink so i can wave them all night to show my support ha ha. Now i know how those fans behave and feel when they meet their idol or when they are in concerts.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 8:48 AM

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