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I wish that i will grow up to be a Fine and Handsome Young Chap.

Anpanman Likes

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I like sleeping, eating my porridge, playing with my parents and watching TV. Loves shopping during the weekends too.

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My Name Is Alden Mui Xuan Wei

Anpan's Friends

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Special thanks to my mummy who updates and maintains this blog for me.


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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Mummy got this scrapebook album with some nice embellishments for me sometime ago. But it is only recently she remember to squeeze some free time every now and then to complete this ablum. Ever since i am born, she says she has some changes in her life, but somethings never change, and that is her love and passion for scrape booking. But she laments though that she seems to have lost her sense of creativity. It is aright mummy, you still can practice on sister's album when she is born, as the saying goes " Practice makes Perfect".

Go! Anpanman! ~* 11:11 AM

Photos of me when i was born and only a few months old. Less than 3 months old to be exact. Last time i used to be very dark and red, now i am so fair like snow. I take over mummy in this aspect, but that is about it. I take after daddy in all the other aspects. Wonder if this is a good or bad thing hee..

Go! Anpanman! ~* 11:07 AM

My family's first makeover together. I was about 10 months old then. Then the next page shows me when i had my one year old's birthday party celebration. I love these both days especially on my birthday as i was the focus of everyone on that day. I received alot of presents, and i took my first bite of cake and nice adult foods. Am looking forward to my 2nd birthday now in December.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 11:01 AM

See the comparisons and difference between these two pages? One is me in my very much younger days, and the other one shows me now. So one is past and the other is future tense ha ha..Now can you guys see how much i have changed? I wish i have changed for the better though, but mummy is always shaking her head and says she wished i ca go back to those days when i was more obedient and will be only sitting still and not always on the move like now.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:56 AM

Both my mum and dad's parents, in other words my Grandparents with me. Both sides of my Grandparents adore and dotes on me alot. Sometimes to the extend they spoil me and treat me like a king, unlike my parents whom are both more strict with me. Another page is me in my first visit to Spore flyer. I enjoyed the view from up above, and i am proud that i did not have the fear of heights.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:50 AM

Look at my proud parents faces. My daddy says eversince i was born into this world, he smiles more often. While my mummy says i simply light up her life. See, i can work wonders.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:46 AM

Me and my parents yet again. I am actually very thankful to mummy for putting the efforts and time in doing this album for me. It is very thoughtful of her. And next time i can look at it and see my growing stages. Mummy says she will do one such album for my sister also, but not now though. Mummy might be starting on her long overdue wedding album first.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:40 AM

See what is shown clearly in Bold in one of the pages? It is my birthday 8th Dec 07. Kindly mark this very important date in all your calendars. Deeply appreciated..

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:37 AM

Another two pages of me in different stages of my life. I used to be chubby. I am not saying i am very trim now, but at least i managed to shed some baby fat with some proper weight management. Eww, i see one picture of me sleeping very soundly without any care in the world on one of the pages. And i see another picture that shows me in my very demanding look. Aiyo mummy, please ask for my permission in future before showing others such ugly photos of me. Now i wish i can dig up a hole and hide.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:31 AM

This two pages shows me with both my doting parents as well as me having my hair cut in Junior's League. Now my parents lives involves mainly around me only. Mummy and daddy feels i am indeed God sent, and they cherish every minute spent with me watching me grow up. Sometimes they wish time can stop, while i wish time will speed faster.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:19 AM

Me looking all cheeky with various poses and expressions in this two scrape book pages. Sometimes i do ponder how i can change so much overnight in just a few months. By this, i do not mean just by my looks alone, but by my likes and dislikes, my character and my favourite activities daily. No wonder adults always like to say "Time and Tide waits for no man" and "Time Flies". How true can this be..

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:09 AM

Monday, April 27, 2009

I love and am so into Barney that mummy got me this Barney bag that she carries my stuff in when we go out in the weekends. She says i can carry my own bag when i am slightly bigger. Meantime, while waiting for my food to arrive, i can't help but give my Barney a kiss. I was caught red handed though by mummy hence this photo. Mummy just ponders why i am so into kissing these days as i kiss my parents everyday, kiss my toys and now my bag ha ha..

Go! Anpanman! ~* 3:30 PM

Do not be mistaken, this is not in any indoor playground, but this is in my very own home. Knowing well how much i love balls, my parents bought me my very own balls pool with balls included from Kiddy Palace. I wasted no time in playing in it the minute my daddy set it up. Since having this at home, my parents have more time to themselves as i keep myself occupied it it. My parents thinks buying this can save more money too cos they need not bring me to any indoor playgrounds anymore.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 3:25 PM

Finally at 16 months old, i am able to walk and walk on my own. Video is to show all my first maiden steps on my own. Before this, i can never walk alone without any assistance. But i surprised my parents when in little o zone, i suddenly got up and walked around very steadily on my own. I can even stop to pick ups balls on the floor. Maybe it is the rubber mats that gave me the confidence, but eversince then i dare walk on my own even back home too.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 3:12 PM

What i love most about weekends is my parents bringing me out and to new places they discovered and to be explored. This is a sneak picture of the place i went to over the weekend. It is Little 'O' Zone at the Orchid Country Club. Well, this place here is loads smaller than the other indoor playgrounds i have been so far. But daddy likes it here cos it is far less crowded with in fact only with another two kids when we were there. Nontheless, it does not bother me as i am more concerned if there are any balls pool here which they did so i am contented.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 3:03 PM

Hey daddy, put me back down this very minute. Don't you dare just put me on top here and walk away leaving me all alone not knowing what to do. I want to be independent but not in this manner.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 2:55 PM

This is a mini trampoline for us. Mummy put me there and taught me how to jump. It took me awhile before i mastered how to jump. But i must still say that jumping is just not my forte cos i still prefer my balls pool.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 2:52 PM

Mummy and me posing with my balls again. Does anyone notice my mummy's new hair cut? She has shorter bangs now, and at first i did not seem to recongise her. Now i am more used to her new look though i think she should still grow her hair long again like she used to have.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 2:49 PM

I wanted to try and sit in that see saw all alone when mummy had to come and spoil my fun. She insisted on joining me without thinking of her weight now that she is carrying my sister. So i almost lost balance and fell all thanks to her. Geez, she just cannot leave me alone and let me explore on my own. Sometimes, mummy is too protective of me while daddy prefers to let me rough it out like a boy should.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 2:44 PM

You guys know how obsessed i am with balls, so imagine how fascinated i was when i spotted this big spiky ball in a corner. Mummy explained to me it is a gym ball, and i am unsuitable for it. So daddy came to me, lifted me up and sat on that ball with me. He started bouncing up and down and it was so fun. We both tried to balance and not roll over and fall down. This is what i call team work.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 2:38 PM

After a few trials with daddy, i am all ready to prove it to him that i can do this all by myself. And i did it. I climbed up the steps myself, and i whizzed down myself too. My parents were so proud of me, and it just gives me the confidence to do it again and again.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 2:32 PM

Daddy helping me with the slides again. This is my second favourite in playgrounds. That kind of thrill and carefree feeling when i slide down is so good. I can do this for a couple of times before daddy whisked me away for something else.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 2:23 PM

My silly daddy with his silly moves again. He went into the balls pool with me and got himself fully submerged in it leaving his face for fresh air. He then instructed mummy to snap this silly picture of him, and mummy laughed non stop upon seeing this picture. Mummy decided to post this picture in this blog to share with all despite my daddy's objection. Sigh, daddy should have known...

Go! Anpanman! ~* 2:13 PM

Heh heh, one picture shows me in a very small balls pool for kids my age. Here, i felt that this small pool is really too small with too little balls for me, so i asked daddy to upgrade me to the bigger kids pool, but then again this time felt it was too big for me. It was as if i was going to be fully submerged in it. Of course i am scare lah, so i pointed out asking for help as seen here. I have since decided to be good, to acknowledge my own age and not to act all matured and grown up.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 2:06 PM

Balancing act here. Instead of putting a book on my head and learning to walk properly like a model, i use two balls instead. Holding on to them makes me walk with more steady steps.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 2:00 PM

Here, i am taking my first step learning how to climb on my own. And what better way then to try here on this little tikes steps, and less i fall it would be less painful due to the rubber mats. Mummy says no pain no gain, but i say learn smart ha ha..

Go! Anpanman! ~* 1:54 PM

Hey, this is my new car, looks cool right? These days as influenced by daddy, i am into cars more so than teddy bears or soft toys. Mummy was pleased with me for this as she finds my actions too girly even though she still lets me explore whatever i want to. I told her not to worry as i promised her i will grow up to be as man as daddy.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 1:41 PM

Monday, April 20, 2009

Let me introduce you guys to my little sister's room. Though she is yet to be delivered into this beautiful world, she hasn't even got a name yet, but she already has her own room. My mummy decorated this room for her even before my sister's gender has been confirmed. Guess mummy's maternal instinct was very right. Mummy also bought these stickers and cute paintings for the room. Am i jealous? Nah, i have a nicely decorated room myself too.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 2:37 PM

Ok me smiling so happily at the end of the day after so much fun. This smile is to reward my parents for never failing to bring me out every weekend and thinking of new nice places to bring me. I just feel so blessed.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 2:33 PM

My parents brought me to Go-go-Bambini's and it was quite similar to Fidgets. Though this place is slightly smaller, but they do have much to offer for kids my age too. Look at me in this rocking horse, it was the first thing that attracted me when i stepped into the play area. Even though it was way past my sleeping time, i was still very alert cos there is so much to discover and play.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 2:23 PM

I enjoyed sliding down and going up and trying to slide down again. And i did all this on my own. It was such a thrill when i slide down, the feeling of being free and letting go was great.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 2:15 PM

My all time favourite, the balls pool. I can soak myself in it all day long. And my parents discovered though these balls that my favourite colour is orange as i keep finding and then holding orange balls only. Well, i think liking orange colour means i am a friendly, warm and happy boy. Hee, just making up this last bit about me ha..

Go! Anpanman! ~* 2:00 PM

Choo choo train..I thought the train would be moving so i happily hopped onto it but alas nope it did not move abit. It is in fact just a cushioned train for kids only stationed fixed on the same spot. So i could only pose with it for pictures.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 1:50 PM

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