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I wish that i will grow up to be a Fine and Handsome Young Chap.

Anpanman Likes

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I like sleeping, eating my porridge, playing with my parents and watching TV. Loves shopping during the weekends too.

Make some noise

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My Name Is Alden Mui Xuan Wei

Anpan's Friends

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Tofu Channel


Special thanks to my mummy who updates and maintains this blog for me.


March 2008
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December 2008
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March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
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May 2010
Monday, March 16, 2009

This is me having my hair cut again, It is my second visit to Junior's league in vivocity. In fact, the hair cut here cost $20 and cost even more than my daddy's usual $10 QB hair cut. But my parents bring me here cos it is only here that i will be able to sit still throughout the cut. After a hearty breakfast of fish porridge in the food republic upstairs, i went happily for my hair cut. I was given a Thomas the train toy to play, and after the hair cut, i get to pick a balloon and a sticker of my choice too. What i like about here is the tv in front of me, they play my favourite children's shows too. I hope this new hair cut by a different aunt from the last time will make me look more suave.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:23 AM

This is the new me with my new hair cut. Notice me looking glum again as i find the hair cut too short. But mummy assures me it will grow in no time and promises i look as handsome as before. She then bring me to this Ben 10 figurine outside the shop to appease me.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:19 AM

I know i look either i am drooling over some hot chick here or i look super blur here. But then i am in fact salivating cos my Ma Ma and parents are having Boon Tiong Kee's chicken rice in Bukit Timah and i am having none of it. Finally after some persistant noises am i given some of it's very fragrant rice by mummy. This trick never fails to work hee hee..

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:14 AM

My mummy and daddy posing in front of this huge puppet stage. This puppet stage is like nothing we have seen before, so huge and grand looking. But this picture obviously looks crooked cos Ma Ma was carrying me while helping to take this picture hence the effect. The other picture is my daddy with this very heavy looking film machine. This is how they rolled the films in the past unlike the cinemas of today.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:09 AM

My mummy forces me to pose with her yet again, thus i was not smiling. She insisted that i take this photo with her and cannot leave me alone while i was playing and trying out the audio guide that i was given by the museum staff. Now very high tech, there is no new for tour guides or any explanation on the walls, all were given audio guides that we key in the number of each artefact that we are keen to learn more and we would hear explanations of it in detail. Cool right?

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:02 AM

My Ma Ma, mummy and i posing to take some pictures. In one of them shows 2 television sets from the past. How can i watch Barney from such a small televison compared to what i have at home now, besides they did not have DVD/VCD player nor Barney in those days. Now i feel even more fortunate. Another picture shows very nice ancient clothes fit for emperor and empress to wear. My Ma Ma was so impressed by the fine workmanship of those clothes.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:57 AM

My Ma Ma posing with this water pipe which people in the olden days draw water with. Ladies in those days washes their clothes in the basin filled with water after pushing the bar for water. Nowadays, we are so lucky to have clean drinking water just by opening the tap.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:53 AM

These are pictures of my mummy with some of the exhibitions in the museum. I do not understand why my mummy enjoys taking pictures so much that she now carries her new camera along anywhere she goes. She calls these pictures memories of her life. One photo shows my mummy with a olden day gramophone. In those days, there are no such things like mini compo or Hi-Fi, ladies dances to music played on gramophones. See how one trip to the museum can make me more knowledgeable ha ha..

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:18 AM

These are some of the pictures mummy took when we went to the National museum last saturday. It is again all thanks to STB that we managed to have a free tour again. I was fascinated by the puppets as seen in one of the pictures. I think i would have loved such shows if only they are still any around. This time, the museum showcases three different types of exhibition. " History gallery, Fashion gallery and Living gallery".

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:11 AM

Friday, March 13, 2009

This two pictures shows my Ma Ma and my mummy disturbing me. My mummy was the one who started it. She wrapped my arms around her neck while carrying me and made me feel like i was hugging my girlfriend and i burst out laughing. Seeing how much fun i have, Ma Ma joined in the fun and do the same as well.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 11:20 AM

My dear parents and me in this picture. Don't we look like a very happy family? To date, i am still thanking God for my wonderful parents, they also never fail to bring me every weekend to alot of places to explore. So i will grow up to be street wise hee hee..Up next, they will be bringing me to the National History Museum.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 11:17 AM

Ok, here's proof that i am a brave young boy and i survived the ride. In fact, look at my face and you can tell that i enjoyed it very much. I do not need anyone's support either, was happy to run around on my own.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 11:10 AM

This is the view of Singapore from up above. These two pictures were taken when we were right at the peak of our ride. Awesome view right?

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:45 AM

My daddy thought i would be scare the minute the cube goes upwards and wanted to help move and balance me around. But i proved to him later that i can do it, and i am not afraid of heights even though my surname is not 高 like my mummy.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:39 AM

My dear Ye Ye and me. Actually, i quite enjoyed the ride cos i kept walking around with the help of the railings around. I had a bird's eye view of Singapore too.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:24 AM

Another picture of me and my Grandparents. They are thrilled to be able to join me in this ride too. We took alot of pictures for memories too, and daddy even purchased this special digitally created picture of us before we took the ride at a promotional rate of $38 which consists of one 6R photo and four 2R sizes one.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:19 AM

My mummy in the flyer..See how happy she look, cos she has been bugging my daddy to bring her here since day one the flyer was opened to the public. She says she will not go back again though, cos she finds it too expensive and also nothing interesting.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:10 AM

My parents and my Grandparents brought me to Singapore Flyer last weekend. All thanks to the STB promotion, my Ma Ma and Ye Ye managed to have free admission. The rides were really expensive, but my parents wanted me to be able to try this even for just once. Thye also wanted me to learn to be more brave, to not have any fear of heights ha..This picture is taken when we first went into the cubicle.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:35 AM

Hmm, mummy went to pose with this body guard and made daddy jealous. He went to the toilet and mummy grab this golden opportunity to secretly snap this picture with this very manly body guard.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:29 AM

This is model number two for the Hello Kitty show. This lady is actually very tall and thin, and mummy wishes she is like that too ha ha..But if i can talk, i will tell her it is "Mission Impossible"!

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:27 AM

Look at this Hello Kitty lady here on the stage. My parents went vivo city last weekend and Mac the cosmetics were promoting their new range and this lady is their new model. The body guard beside her has Hello Kitty head on him too. So Kawaii..

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:23 AM

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Look at me having so much fun here, and i think no one can guess the exact reason why. Cos my daddy is in Hong Kong for a business trip for 5 days, and i am left with my mummy alone in my Ma Ma's house. Once there, i am the King cos there is no government. My mummy will not be able to scold me much and let me have things my way cos my Ma Ma is around, and she protects me. Ma Ma also makes me laugh like in this picture, and gives me whatever i want to eat or request for. Mummy can only shake her head and wish for daddy to come back soon. Meantime, daddy will be sad to learn that i do not miss him at all. I will pretend i do though once he is back cos i heard he has bought a few sets of clothes for me ha..

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:50 AM

Monday, March 2, 2009

Again, all thanks to STB, my parents enjoyed their free bum boat rides in clarke quay last saturday. And they had even more fun without me to tag along. As early as 7am, i was entrusted to my Ma Ma whom had to babysit me while my parents went to queue for Singapore Flyers tickets. But sadly they did not managed to get even a single ticket as too many people queued overnight. Smart daddy suggested hopping over to clarke quay instead for free boat rides. And as lesser people were there, they managed to get tickets for all even Ma Ma and Uncle Davin and family. Mummy also suggested going to the National Museum for free tickets too, which she too managed to get. I can predict that i shall be visiting the museum soon then.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:36 AM

Finally i had some peace and be able to do this alone. Initially mummy refuses to let go of my hand in case i fall. The my daddy had to sit beside me and he cannot stop disturbing me. Time for me to have my own space.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:28 AM

Seeing how much fun i had, daddy joined me in sitting the other horse ride beside me. My daddy told me he did not have a fun childhood as in those days, they were poor. Besides, there was no such kind of playground in the past. See how happy my daddy looks, luckily the horse did not break under his heavy weight.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:23 AM

Me before i get to slide down. But i started to panic when i was up there, so with my pounding young heart (which cannot afford to be stressed as yet), i quickly pointed to the safer looking ride below which my daddy ignored and still insisted i act like a man and finished with the slide first. It was truly a fear factor challenge for me.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:19 AM

Halfway through the party, my parents brought me out to play in this playground. They have all the child rides here that i love. The little elephant is good for me to sit securely in it without fearing to fall. I can also swing frontwards and backwards at my own pace.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:15 AM

Time to sing the birthday song. And it is also a time for me to clap my hands though i still do not know how to sing. Too bad, i did not get to help blow the candles, but i believe i will be able to do this soon too as well. By the way, Caleb gor gor is the tall boy in red standing in front of the cakes.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:11 AM

This is the cake that i was eyeing when i was at the party. It is a Ben 10 cake cos my cousin Caleb gor gor likes Ben 10, so that is the theme of his party too. He have in total 3 cakes, and this is from bakerzin, while the other two cakes are from awfully chocolate. Seeing this cake also reminds me of my own mickey mouse cake i just had like 3 months ago.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:08 AM

Me and my Grandpa. Grandpa was so happy to be able to carry me that day. Cos usually i will be sticky and gluey to my parents only, and rarely gives others the chance to carry me except my Ma Ma, Ye Ye and Grandma. Grandpa proudly carried me around and was beaming with pride at this cute lovable grandson (super thick skinned me) that he has.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:02 AM

Hey mummy, look! An angel has descended from Heaven and God sent to you. Don't i look like an innocent angel here with a purple halo over my head. Nah, just kidding. This is what the magician gave me at the party, i even have two other poodle balloons which my mummy requested he make just for me.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:51 AM

Ok, this is how i look when i want something which i fail to get. "My defiant look". This is just another side of me which i seldom show to others except my parents. But when i was at the birthday party, i was deprived of the awfully chocolate cake everyone was having. And i was only appeased when i was given at least a few mouthfuls of it by my Great Po Po. See sometimes i must show some colour to get what i want hee..

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:42 AM

Can you guys spot me in this picture? I am in fact right in the centre of the picture with my Grandpa carrying me. My parents brought me to my Great Po Po's house last weekend to celebrate my cousin Caleb's birthday in the Condo's function room. He turns 8 on that day, and his parents decided to throw him a bash before the entire family leaves for Australia for a year. Many of Caleb's gor gor friends were invited, and they even have a magic show which i enjoyed too.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:36 AM

My daddy and i had loads of fun with these slides in my Great po po's house. This condo of hers is so child friendly as there is so much i can play here. In fact, i did not want to leave when it was time to go, and my parents have to drag me away. I can only wish to visit Great Po Po's house again soon.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:32 AM

My aunt Merlina is seen here teaching me to play the piano in her house. She is already in grade 8, and i hope mummy will one day enroll me for piano lessons too. After a few keys, i feel i can play too and started hitting the keys too, but Aunt Merlina says i am spoiling her song ha ha..This is so much more fun then my toy piano that plays music automatically the minute i press any button, this is of course more challenging.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:26 AM

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