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I wish that i will grow up to be a Fine and Handsome Young Chap.

Anpanman Likes

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I like sleeping, eating my porridge, playing with my parents and watching TV. Loves shopping during the weekends too.

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My Name Is Alden Mui Xuan Wei

Anpan's Friends

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Special thanks to my mummy who updates and maintains this blog for me.


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Monday, February 23, 2009

A video of me learning to walk. I know how to make full use and occupy my time. While waiting for my mummy to get our free tickets, i let daddy know i want to walk by grabbing his hands and pushing my body downwards. I love walking nowadays compared to a month ago when i was too lazy to lift my bum up and learn. I hope by hard training now, i will be able to walk on my own soon, then i will make sure i walk to wherever i want and not following my parents.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:24 AM

A little snap featuring me, my Ma Ma and my mummy just before we leave the Bird Park. I was hugging this bird stuff toy refusing to let go, so mummy decided to let me pose with it with them. Still, i did not get what i want as mummy refuses to buy it for me. In the end she got me a tiny Pelican stuff toy which is 3 times smaller than this bird here.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:17 AM

This peacock was so fierce. It was staring right back at me when i was near it. I think it would have peck at me if there was no fence surrounding it. Mummy quickly pulled me away in case i used my finger to point at it.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:15 AM

It started to drizzle alittle when we first stepped into the park. But thankfully there was a bird show starting soon, and we went seated in the shelter fully enjoying the show without getting wet. I enjoyed the show cos it introduces all the different birds, especially the parrot. The parrot is even smarter than me as it can sing in 4 different languages when i have not even learnt to even call my parents yet. The show lasted half an hour, and the rain did stopped by then, and we had our lunch in Bongo Burgers.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:06 AM

Many thanks to Singapore Tourism Board for coming up with this special promotion of free visits to either Jurong Bird Park, Sentosa, Singapore flyer, Singapore Museum and even the Bumboat rides in Clarke Quay. Last weekend, my parents decided to bring me and also Ma Ma to the Jurong Bird Park. Luckily we only lived pretty nearby so my parents brought me there early in the morning to queue for the tickets. I am seen here with Ma Ma after we have sucessfully received our tickets. I heard people behind us saying free tickets have ran out.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:00 AM

My mummy posing with the gorgeous bride Aunt Edeline. She is absolutely beautiful, and my mummy looks good too. My mummy only look this good in wedding dinners when she is dressed up with some colours on her face. Usually she is dressed very casually without any make up. My mummy told my daddy she is reminded of Aunt Kate's wedding too as it is held at the same hotel.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 8:55 AM

Me at the wedding dinner. I love attending dinners with my parents cos there is good food, romantic ambience with nice love songs for me to devour my good food with. Here, i am sitted waiting very patiently for mummy to feed me with some rice dipped with sharks fins soup. Now i know adults really know how to enjoy life, and suddenly i find my usual cod fish porridge boring.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 8:49 AM

Me and daddy attending Aunt Edeline's wedding in Swissotel the Stamford. Aunt Edeline is mummy's church friend. It was quite a grand wedding, and i was treated to abalone too. Do me and daddy look good here? Mummy always tells us we are the two most handsome men in her life..Puke puke..

Go! Anpanman! ~* 8:44 AM

Me smiling ever so sweetly again. I think i must have lost some weight cos i feel lighter nowadays, and my face seems more defined. But mummy is not too pleased with me losing some baby fat, she prefers me short and fat, sounds more like her though.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 8:42 AM

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Another huge step for me, i managed to pluck up enough courage and be bold enough to stand up on my own. To my parents whom is worried for me initially as they find me slow, i have only this to say to them "I may be slow, but i am steady". Cos i only took one day to try and i did it the very next day. And once i managed to stand up, there is no stopping me cos i did it non-stop for awhile and flapped my arms the minute i stood up, smiling proudly too. My Ma Ma and my parents says i am a very proud little boy hee hee..

Go! Anpanman! ~* 8:45 AM

My parents were singing my praises last night when i finally showed them i can drink all by myself too. In fact this picture shows my first time doing so and till i finish the last drop. My daddy was especially happy cos it simply means lazy him need not feed me anymore. As for my mummy, she is proud of my every little accomplishment.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 8:42 AM

Monday, February 16, 2009

This is my first year celebrating Valentine's day, and i am honoured to have both my loving parents and my Ma Ma by my side. Initially it was just my parents and me, but i did not want to be the light bulb of my parents on that day, and since my Grandpa is working too, i ask Ma Ma to be my valentine's date instead. It was a fun and meaningful day, and my parents make it a point not to scold me but to make it a love filled day instead. We went out for lunch, then back to my home where we took a short rest, then out for dinner again. See my sweet smile here? Mummy keeps gushing i look so handsome here, more so than daddy.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:23 AM

This is one photo that shows how much i enjoy myself playing with daddy. Somehow you can consider me quite smart, cos i can tell daddy dotes on me more as he rarely scolds or lift even a finger on me, unlike my mummy sigh...But i know both of them love me to bits, even mummy. Cos she never fails to hug and kiss me everytime she beats or scolds me so all's forgiven ha ha..

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:19 AM

My daddy really had a fun time playing with over the weekend on Sunday at home. He invented this new (use the head to pass the balloon to me) game and it was so funny i cannot stop laughing. Even when mummy was bathing, she could hear my laughter. She too tried to make me laugh when it was daddy's turn to shower, but the effect was different ha ha..I guess you could call me a daddy'd boy and i bond more with my daddy cos he spoils me more and seldom raise his voice on me. Daddy even say next time he will bring me down to help him wash his car and to jog together. I can't wait for that..

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:12 AM

Me in IMM with my parents. I saw kids in this fun animal rides and bugged my parents to let me try too. I enjoyed the ride at first cos it was something new, and my daddy was with me. Then after awhile i became worried cos i see other big animal approaching my direction and i cried in the end. I know, shame on me, but please bear in mind i have yet to be enlisted into army so this is normal ha..

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:00 AM

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The old wedding couple (my parents)..and i did not mean old as in grey hairs kind of old, but cos they are not considered newly weds anymore. Both of them loved attending weddings cos it gives them flashbacks of their own wedding.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:00 AM

This is the ang pow box that mummy made for Uncle James for his wedding. This box took centrestage on the recep table, and mummy was happy the wedding couple loved the box. It means mummy's efforts did not go waste. Cos she spent one night decorating the box and did not play with me that night.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:57 AM

Aunt Joy and mummy. Mummy keeps lamenting that she has aged alot and put on much weight, but she was consoled when Aunt Joy still was able to recongise her ha ha..But to me, both ladies looked good.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:55 AM

This is the wedding venue in Fort Canning. Very romantic ambience there, and Uncle James gave my parents very good seats indeed facing both the stage and projector giving them a clear view. The wedding favours are very unique too, passport holders.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:51 AM

The group photo but excluding daddy cos he helped to take this photo. In it are the wedding couple, my mummy and Aunt Joy also mummy's longtime friend. Aunt Joy also has a son, and i hope to visit him one day.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:48 AM

Here comes the bride Reiko San now aka Mrs Ng. Aunt Reiko loves children too, and the last time i met her, she kept commenting on how cute i am so i like her too ha ha..I am quite sad actually that i did not get to attend their wedding, but Uncle James promised to visit me and our home before they fly back to Japan. Here mummy poses with the gorgeous bride in her bridal suite.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:45 AM

This is my mummy's buddy James. He is specially back from Japan to hold his traditional wedding here for his family and friends. He had a wedding held already back in Japan last year too. I like James uncle, he makes me laugh and can tell he really loves children. Too bad mummy did not bring me along as it is a Monday night and since they will not be staying long so i am left at home with my Ma Ma. James uncle looks very dashing here, and mummy looks very erm...pregnant..

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:40 AM

Monday, February 2, 2009

Just to share with all how loving my parents are. My mummy made and decorated this cake for my daddy with those sweet words written on the cake. It is just meant as a surprise and not for whatsoever occasion or reason. My mummy just led my daddy to the fridge that night and he was so touched when he saw the cake and ate it very happily. And as for me, i had a good sleep with sweet dreams too that night knowing how lucky i am to have such loving parents.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:04 AM

This is me looking blur blur just after i was awake and getting ready to go out. I was waiting for my parents and my Grandparents to be ready. Hee, do i look smart here? This is the first time i wear a long sleeved shirt, and i look very manly right? Daddy should have worn a pink shirt as well to match me.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:01 AM

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