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Go! Alden, thanks all for reading my blog Photo     Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
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I wish that i will grow up to be a Fine and Handsome Young Chap.

Anpanman Likes

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I like sleeping, eating my porridge, playing with my parents and watching TV. Loves shopping during the weekends too.

Make some noise

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My Name Is Alden Mui Xuan Wei

Anpan's Friends

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Tofu Channel


Special thanks to my mummy who updates and maintains this blog for me.


March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
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October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
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February 2009
March 2009
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June 2009
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December 2009
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April 2010
May 2010
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Go! Anpanman! ~* 3:29 PM

Go! Anpanman! ~* 3:21 PM

Go! Anpanman! ~* 3:10 PM

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

"Ahem, excuse me!" Make way for me while i test drive my new mini cooper ha..My parents got this for me over the weekend in the toy fair hopping it will help me learn walking faster. Guess mummy is really tired of carrying me always, she says i am a little heavy weight. But i haven gotten the hang of this car yet, but will sure learn to sit on it real soon.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 8:31 AM

Monday, July 28, 2008

My mummy carrying me to pose with my Daddy's new car. He bought this Subaru Impreza cos both my mummy and him likes it. I got the chance to go and see the car too when they chose it. I love this new car, next time when i am bigger, i will help my daddy to wash his car.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 8:49 AM

This is my mummy and me, she gave me a stress ball apple. I wonder if she is hinting to me that i made her stressed. I certainly hope not. But she told me an apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 8:44 AM

Me in my pyjamas just before bedtime. My parents had to tell me bedtime stories before i can sleep. My favourite story is Sleeping Beauty ha..

Go! Anpanman! ~* 8:40 AM

So after i am done reading, i am happy that i have completed my 123 book..Now i know 1-10 ha..My mummy kept hugging me when this picture is taken, cos she made monkey faces and i laughed and she was so happy she managed to make me laugh ha..

Go! Anpanman! ~* 8:38 AM

I am so hardworking, reading on an early Sunday morning while waiting for my parents to be ready. I love Sundays, it is my most relaxed day, and i get to see and be with my parents the entire day.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 8:35 AM

Me and my Ma Ma in Takashimaya. My parents and also Jayden Gor Gor and his parents were with us too. My parents bought me some toys from the toys fair in Takashimaya. Yipee..i got new toys again.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 8:32 AM

Friday, July 25, 2008

This photo shows how close knit me and my parents are. We are all smiles, except me. I had a forced smile cos i was really sleepy by then. But i love how my photos came out, did'nt know i can look so good in photos. I am game for the second photo shoot which is coming real soon as promised by mummy.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 8:34 AM

Hee, this is my first makeover that my parents brought me to. I was not very happy at the point of taking pictures cos i have not slept for a long time. I was in fact grouchy thoughout the shoot, thus i was not smiling at all. Mummy made me promised to do better next time. Tsk..she is planning for a next shoot soon.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 8:30 AM

Monday, July 21, 2008

Daddy got a new car so i have a new toy too, in his car. It helps to distract me and let mummy have her much needed sleep in the car. I love pulling this toy and eating it.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 8:49 AM

See, i can read already. What a wonder kid ha..Actually I must not lie, mummy was holding the book for me lah. But i was really reading ok. Mummy says i must love to read like her.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 8:47 AM

This is me in Daddy's car, i was trying to snatch my mummy's mobile phone ha..

Go! Anpanman! ~* 8:44 AM

Friday, July 18, 2008

This is one of my favourite photo. It is a rare picture that captures both me and mummy smiling together. Not that we both seldom smile, but to make me focus on the camera together with someone is hard. My attention span is kinda short.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 8:33 AM

My mummy and myself look so good here cos we went for a wedding dinner. Actually this photo was taken a month ago by my daddy's mobile phone, and my mummy just only happened to see it now and grabbed it immediately to update here.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 8:31 AM

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Whenever i am in this walker, i will be very happy.Cos it enables me to move around freely, to touch everything and anything i want. Hence i have left alot of finger prints on Ma Ma's living room glass table, i have messed up the way things are put in her house. Here, i am laughing cos i see how they are all fussing over me.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 8:51 AM

My daddy came home early after work one day and decided to make me look like a girl. After my bath, he took the towel and placed it on my head. My mummy can't stop laughing when she saw me.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 8:43 AM

Why does mummy hold me like she is holding a frog or dangling some puppet? That explains the "What is happening look on my face"...

Go! Anpanman! ~* 8:38 AM

Monday, July 14, 2008

I am so happy here cos i have my own bumper mat. Mummy bought me this Winnie the Pooh bumper mat and i love rolling on it. Look, i even wear a matching yellow tee to match the mat. A true fashionista ha..

Go! Anpanman! ~* 8:41 AM

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

This is a very happy chirpy me. Few days before that i was sick, and if you guys have noticed, i am visibly slightly thinner now than usual. My 'Bao Bao' face is now saggy. My parents were worried sick when i was down with flu and fever. Now i am alert again, and my mum especially is overjoyed.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 8:35 AM

Monday, July 7, 2008

Here's a quick reality check! I'm super lovable (check), super cute (check), super intelligent (check), super chubby (check), super huggable (check), super likable (check), and finally super thick skin (check, check, check)...ha..

Go! Anpanman! ~* 8:50 AM

Friday, July 4, 2008

Ma Ma brought me to the playground when she is free in the afternoon. I love hanging out here and sitting on the see saw. Look at my playful face.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 8:39 AM

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