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Go! Alden, thanks all for reading my blog Photo     Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
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I wish that i will grow up to be a Fine and Handsome Young Chap.

Anpanman Likes

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I like sleeping, eating my porridge, playing with my parents and watching TV. Loves shopping during the weekends too.

Make some noise

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My Name Is Alden Mui Xuan Wei

Anpan's Friends

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Tofu Channel


Special thanks to my mummy who updates and maintains this blog for me.


March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Mummy with her new bob hair cut here. She looks younger right? I think she don't want to look old, or either that she is too stressed with work, so chop all her stress away.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 1:15 PM

Monday, April 28, 2008

Go! Anpanman! ~* 2:12 PM

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Shucks..I am caught red handed by my mum again with this habit that she hates the most. But i really love sucking my fingers, they are like KFC, finger licking good. Nowadays i prefer them to my pacifer.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:54 PM

My mummy says these days the weather is very hot, so she make me wear this sleeveless sexy romper. It's my first and to date one and only sleeveless romper, heard mummy got this from Aunt Maybelle's shop last time. When i wore this to Grandaunt's house that day, there were alot of Ooo's and Ahhh's...

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:47 PM

Me enjoying my first few trys of my cereal feeds. Mmmmm, yummy..Mummy knows me best, cos no sooner i turned 4months old, she bought me a can of rice cereal with milk. Not forgetting this " Thank Heaven for little boys" baby bib.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:34 PM

Dear God, thanks for listening to my nightly prayers, so much so i am praying and grinning happily here. Thanks for letting me master the act of rolling my body, it's a long awaited action for me. Thanks for letting me try my first cereal and i totally dig it. Thanks for making me more cheeky and happy now, and less grouchy unlike before. Finally, really thankful for my wonderful set of parents, they are really God sent by you..A thousand thanks and more...

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:25 PM

Me after i had rolled over in Ma Ma's house. I am so overjoyed, i have finally mastered the art of flipping my body over after several unsuccessful attempts, and eversince then, there is no stopping me.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:16 PM

Hee, mummy says i look so smug here..But how can i not be when i am lying in my new baby cot. Besides, i am being professional by showing another side, view of my face when taking my photo.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:01 PM

My mummy and me in Golden Village Cinema. She carries me after my feed. Mummy has a new hair cut, shorter but loads hipper and chic. At first, she tried to fool me and thought she can be in disguise, but she can't fool me at all. "Mummy, it's not the looks, but the scent"!!Don't think you can run away from me ah...

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:56 PM

My daddy and me in Golden Village Cinema in Vivo city. Please do not be mistaken, my daddy is not so brave enough to bring me to watch a show. He is just making use of the sofa seat there to feed me my milk.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 9:48 PM

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Hee, do i have the same grin as Edison Chen? But i am definately more innocent than him hee..

Go! Anpanman! ~* 2:38 PM

Monday, April 14, 2008

This is the master bedroom of my mummy and daddy. I am showing this picture here cos it shows where i sleep at night. Mummy and daddy just bought that baby cot for me as the playpen seem to have sunk in with my ever increasing weight.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:49 PM

Mummy looked like a Tai Tai to me here. I think she does secretly wish that she is one too.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:47 PM

Mummy and Adeline Jie Jie here posing like two China dolls. Adeline Jie Jie's cheongsam matches the Shanghai Knights theme very much, while mummy is in a safe black little tube dress.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:45 PM

Mummy and Kit Jie Jie here in Safra. Kit Jie Jie transformed herself so much mummy told me she was impressed. Mummy herself looked abit different too as she did her hair in a hair salon before going for the dinner.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:39 PM

I may look good in this, but in actual fact, i am so uncomfortable in it. In fact i pre-empt mummy bout it by crying once or twice, and she did not get it till i started screaming. I think she dare not let me wear it again ha ha..

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:32 PM

I know, i have this "Buay Song" face now. But do not be fooled by my face here, i certainly mean no harm.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:21 PM

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Mummy and aunt Livia again after their hair cut. They then went for their spa session again, they sure know how to enjoy life..

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:22 PM

Mummy brought me to the clinic for my vacination. I hate Jabs..Crying session about to start..

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:19 PM

Looking at how dark it looks in this picture, you will know its still late at night. Indeed, after my night feed, i cant stop giggling cos i am satisfied.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:16 PM

Wow, not everybody can do this. Mummy got shocked too when she saw me resting in this pose. I just put two hands behind my neck and took a nice long nap. New comfortable way to sleep for me..

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:13 PM

My daddy carrying me, this is the way i like to be carried most. I can see everybody in this manner.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:08 PM

Me looking really dazed here. But i look good in this Gingersnap top and bottom from Aunt Sandra. Thanks for making me look like a young fashionista.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:04 PM

Me resting gingerly on Mummy's lap. We were in Grandaunt's home waiting for Daddy to come back from Malaysia.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 10:01 PM

This is me waiting for my feed in my stroller. Mummy and Daddy wants me to learn driving fast so i can ferry them around next time when they retire. So they bought me this mini steering wheel to try out first.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 3:18 PM

I look like an Indian boy now all thanks to a mosquito. He sucked me at the right spot man.

Go! Anpanman! ~* 3:18 PM

Mummy and Annalisa Jie Jie before their Dinner and dance. Look at mummy, she is all dolled up like a Tai Tai..

Go! Anpanman! ~* 3:18 PM

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